Boys Ninja Flipsters
Boys 5 to 11 | 60 Minutes | NEW!
Our new and exciting “Ninja Flipsters” program is just for the guys is great for developing strength, agility and self-confidence in a unique freestyle program. Learn back handsprings, back flips, front flips, side flips, aerials and more…the safe way and the RIGHT way! Great for martial arts, snowboarding, half-pipe/quarter-pipe skateboarding, BMX, Motocross, Parkour and other X-Games style sports requiring acute spatial awareness and agility. 60-minute class to be taken once or twice per week.
(8:1 student:coach ratio)
$114 per month (4 classes | prorated $28.50 per lesson)
50% off regular price when enrolling in additional classes! 15% off for siblings!